An Autumn Night-In with Oil Divine

An Autumn Night-In with Oil Divine

Autumn is undeniably a divine season, marked by the comforting aromas of pumpkin spice and cinnamon, warm, long baths and the turning of the leaves. The changing of the season provides the perfect opportunity to relax and reconnect with your mind and body, and Oil Divine is here to present our essential steps for recharging and cultivating the perfect fall evening at home.

Step 1 - The Fall Goddess Bath

Begin your cozy night-in with a soothing, revitalizing shower or bath. Going in a tranquil bath can offer benefits to your brain and nervous system, reducing the levels of stress and anxiety in your body and improving your mood. Delight your bathing ritual by incorporating autumnal elements like body-care products with woodsy or citrusy notes. This Salt Soap infused with patchouli, frankincense, mandarin and cedar creates the coziest aromatic experience for your autumn bathing ritual and leaves your skin feeling soft and supple. 

After a soothing bath that envelops you in the warmth of the season, after-care comes next. Our Revitalizing Body Oil, infused with nourishing ingredients like jojoba oil and neroli essential oil, maintains your skin's radiance and moisture as the brisk autumn season unfolds. 

Step 2 - Candle Magic : Setting the Mood 

A cozy autumn night-in wouldn't be complete without lighting a candle that welcomes with the warmth of the fall season. Opt for a candle infused with therapeutic essential oils like The Calming Vata Candle. The inclusion of fennel promotes tranquility while the rich and spicy aroma of tulsi creates an ambiance of warmth and grounding. Nothing says "cozy" quite like lighting your favorite candle.

Step 3 -  Craft Your Cozy Autumn Elixir

Setting the ambiance for your cozy autumn night-in is essential to embracing the comforting spirit of the fall season. The next step toward a cozy, fall night indoors involves heating a kettle of water to craft the perfect autumnal beverage. Swap out your pumpkin spice latte for a stimulating herbal blend like the Organic Energize Kapha Tea. This peppery blend is infused with spicy yet mildly sweet ginger and potent, tangy clove. With its warm, peppery spices that provide digestive support and a much-needed energy boost, this tea will complement your cozy autumn evenings, infusing them with the essence of the season.

Step 3 - Meditation Through Reading 

Meditation looks different for everyone. While some find it in the stillness of a silent room, others discover it through listening to their favorite music. Reading serves as a beneficial meditation practice because it requires undisturbed focus and liberates your mind from external distractions. When you read, you are invited into a new world where you cultivate mindfulness and presence. 

Herbal Magick by Gerina Dunwich is a meditative book that envelops your mind in the hidden secrets of herbal magic and the history of herbal folklore. Rooted in pagan lore and traditions, It’s also a perfect book to welcome in Halloween- if you celebrate it! There's no better way to cultivate a deep connection to the autumn season than by tapping into a good book.

As you get yourself in the warmth of autumn, enjoying in a soothing bath, and setting the mood with a therapeutic candle, you’ll find yourself fully embracing the beauty of this changing season. Integrate these essential steps into your autumn night-in and you’ll discover the perfect recipe for relaxation and reconnection. 

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